Funds from the Vietnam Mountain Marathon have recently been utilized to support the Neonatal Care and Resuscitation Training Programme at the Lao Cai Obstetrics and Newborns Unit.
Newborns Vietnam is a charity that works to raise the life chances for critically ill newborn babies. At Topas we have supported this charity via Vietnam Trail Series since 2016.
Funds from Vietnam Mountain Marathon are used to support Newborns Vietnam working in Lao Cai province where the race takes place.
Newborns Vietnam recently continued their work in Lao Cai. This collaboration marks the fifth year of partnership between Newborns and the hospital, as well as the Department of Health.
Over the course of these years, the partnership has facilitated significant advancements in neonatal care outcomes through various training programs and the acquisition of new equipment.
In a recent development, Dr. Gary Hartnoll conducted training sessions focusing on the care of sick newborns. The training sessions comprised a blend of clinical teaching and lectures, and they were attended by doctors from eight district hospitals.
On a specific day during the training, doctors and midwives from multiple local hospitals participated in a resuscitation training program. Dr. Gary received support from Dr. Hanh, a Vietnamese doctor who has become one of the first instructors in Newborn Life Support under the regulations of the European Resuscitation Council (ERC).