VTM 5km


VTM2025 - Profile - 5km
CP table_5k- VTM2025
VTM 2025 - Maps - 5K VTM25
VTM 2024 - maps - 5k- 4x5

Distance: 5km | Elevation gain 160m

Race Start: 9:00, Saturday, 31/01/2026

Departure to start: 7:30 (last bus), big new road behind Muong Thanh Holiday Moc Chau Hotel – Google maps / Image

The different bus stops for 5km will be clearly marked. Please make very sure you get on the correct bus to the correct start line. 

Start location: Na Ka Plum Valley – Google maps

Finish line: The heart-shaped tea hill (Đồi chè Trái tim) – Google maps 

CUT-OFF: 13:00 at FINISH

Age restriction: 5km entrants must be at least 6 years old on race day

For 5km entrants under 16 years old, parents/guardians must sign the consent form on race pack collection. Download HERERace entrants under 16 must run along with the guardian (register separately). 


Handing in your bag: 01 bag/01 runner at the START LINE

Please prepare your own bag. Bags must be sealed/closed.  

Do not include valuables – the organiser cannot be held responsible for any loss.  

BRING your luggage tag (given at the race pack collection), we will staple it for you. 

Picking up your bag after the race: at the FINISH

Note: no individual requests for bag transfers can be facilitated. ALL bags are moved together. 


Age categories are:

5km: Under 12;12-17; 18-39; 40+ 
10km/21km/42km/70km: Under 30; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70+

The overall top 3 are excluded from the age group awards. 

Top 3 male/female runners can collect their trophies at a special Age Group Trophy Collection booth at the finish area: Doi Che Trai Tim (Saturday). We cannot ship trophies to those who do not come and collect them during this time slot.

Age group runners receive trophies only.

Course description

Ideal for new runners and families, our 5km distance features the classic scenery of beautiful Moc Chau, but cuts out the longer climbs and more technical trail.

You will start in the stunning Na Ka valley.

VTM 5km family run 4

After some flat, easy running to warm up, you will conquer a series of 3 small climbs on narrow, picturesque trail among limestone hills.

You will then run spectacular trails winding through the famous VTM finish area tea field, Doi Che Trai Tim.

After receiving your VTM finisher medal enjoy your finish meal with breathtaking scenery all around in the great company of your fellow VTM runners!

VTM 5k family run 3