Here are the top shots alongside the winning entry in the Vietnam Trail Series happiness photo competition
The winner
Big congratulations to Dinh Huu Toan for the happiest photo of running from from our Photo Contest of International Happiness Day!
“This may not be the most beautiful photo but is definitely my happiest momment when I crossed the finish line of 100k distance. After two times of failure, espescially the second at 99th km, I knew that I could conquer this distance,” says Dinh Huu Toan.
The Runner Ups
“The best way to multiply your happiness is to share it with others” – Ivy Murat
“The unforgettable moment that I will never forget, I wish to be back here in the near future” – Michael Duc
“All the sweat and pain all along the 42 course in a long day can not compare to the happiness of experiencing the beauty of Northern mountains in spring and the happy smile on the way to the finish line among the cheerings from strange faces who have the same passion and dedication to win” – Thuy Bee
“Happiness is when passing the set goal and finishing in SUB 6 with no training” – Vũ Đức Huy
“The trails of Sapa is a gift from Nature that the organizer presents to everyone. Please accept it!
Have we ever trained our health in such these incredible condition, for both physic and mental? The up and down trail brings a moderate challenge for the feet. The sound of the streams murmuring, the scent of flowers, the scenery is like a drawing…not just a moment of happiness, I had a happiness running route!” – Nam Nguyen