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Q and A with Tiểu Đường (Little Sugar), Vietnam Trail Series Ultra Champion

Women should live for themselves more, spend more time for training, dare to be different and be brave to conquer new challenges. Read post

Charmaine Thompson – A Multi-Talented Champion

The main appeal of trail running is where it takes you

Hisashi Kitamura, 2019 Vietnam Jungle Marathon Champ

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is your choice

Nutrition with Christian – Immune Boosting Super Bowl

Welcome to our new nutrition section from Topas Executive Chef, Christian Milling. This month he brings you his Immune Boosting...

Veronika Vadovičová, 2019 Vietnam Jungle Marathon Champ

Pain goes away, the body heals, but the feeling of getting it done and crossing the finish line is what stays forever

Vanja Cnops, 2019 Vietnam Trail Series Champion

Trail runs are a unique chance to see remote natural places.

Essential Nutrients and Minerals: Calcium

This month La Holista provide a run down on Calcium – how much you need and top plant sources to get it from. While there are n...

Jcy Ho – From Last to Winner in 4 years

Be your own inspiration! Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and we will never be the same!

Q&A with Mads Louring

I love the solitude and being in the nature where it's quiet. It's a form of medicine for me and it takes my mind off things.

Why do you love ultra mountain running?

The transcendence! All the feelings you pass through to do it: happiness, excitation, solitude, the physical and psycho pain.