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why i love vmm - do trong nhon

Why I love VMM – Story from the Trail

Join runners from around the globe in the unforgettable adventure of the Vietnam Mountain Marathon (VMM)! But don't just take our word for it—hear from the passionate runners who have experienced its magic firsthand. Here are what our runners had to say abo... Read post

Running for Joy: How Blue Dragon’s Running Club is Changing Lives​

Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation works with young people who have been rescued from human trafficking, spent time on the stree...

Recent VMM Research Gallery ​

A number of course optimisations are in progress. We will be sharing further details with you soon, but for now, you can enjoy ...

Learning from a DNF – Quang Trần ​

I am someone who does not beat myself up for choosing to DNF. I have DNFd a couple of times over my running career, including b...

Q and A: Kellie Angel, Overall VJM Champ

It’s a lifestyle - I love seeing what my body is capable of, pushing the boundaries and visiting amazing places.

Why I Love VTM – By Our Runners

All of us here at Topas are passionate about VTM, but rather than sharing our own reasons for loving it, we decided to ask a gr...

Blue Dragon Kids Conquer VJM

A massive congratulations to the children of the Blue Dragon Running Club for conquering the Vietnam Jungle Marathon! At VJM 3...

VMM Q and A: Endurance Asia’s Scott Pugh

This year VMM partners with Scott and Endurance Asia, so you will see him on stage at the race. Read on to find out some of the...

Why I Love VJM – By Our Runners

Why I Love VJM – By Our Runners All of us here at Topas love VJM, but instead of telling you why we love it, we asked a s...

VTM Saving Lives with Newborns Vietnam

Over the Vietnam Trail Marathon weekend, Newborns Vietnam and Son La Department of Health signed a three-year partnership with ...