Copyright and Intellectual Property


 Topas Intellectual Property and trademarks include the following race names and their logos/graphics. All are covered by relevant IP and copyright laws.

 Vietnam Trail Series (VTS)

  • Vietnam Mountain Marathon (VMM)
  • Vietnam Jungle Marathon (VJM)
  • Vietnam Trail Marathon (VTM)

 Sponsors and partners

 Official sponsors and partners may have the right to use our trademarks and logos.

All usage must be approved by our office before publication.

Please work with our team to help you understand how you may use our IP.

 Non-sponsors and partners

 You do not automatically have the right to use our trademarks and logos.

 Examples of inappropriate use of our logos include: 

  • Adding our logo/trademark/race name as a watermark to photography
  • Adding our logo/trademark/race name to a promotion for products
  • Adding our logo/trademark/race name to graphics used both online and offline

 Images and film

 All photography and film produced by Topas or our contractors under license to us is the property of Topas and Vietnam Trail Series.

 Race photography is provided free of charge for personal use of participants in the images.

 Commercial, non-personal use of these images and film is prohibited.