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Going Green with Hammer Nutrition Products

At VJM we like to be green not only in colour, but also environmentally. Water at our races has always been served in 20L bottles from which runners must refill. This year we are very pleased to have our electrolyte and energy drink in the form of HEED product from Hammer Nutrition Vietnam served from 20L containers.


HEED has been personally tested by Race Director David on several long distance days and we are extremely happy to be providing it for runners on many of our aid stations at both VJM and later at VMM. David says: “HEED both tastes good and contains a great balance of energy, electrolyte and minerals to keep you going on long days in Vietnam.”

To stay Green, we will not have plastic cups at these aid stations/checkpoints. Please bring your own bottles as usual and use those. If you want a special cup instead of a bottle for the aid stations, carry it in your pack.

We recommend you try HEED before the race if possible – you can check out the options to get some here.

Sincere thanks to Profitness and Hammer Nutrition Vietnam for their huge support for the runners of Vietnam.

Click here to visit Hammer Nutrition Vietnam